Dragonfly Canopy

Dragonfly Canopy

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The turtledeck was added right after the canopy was dry. Both will be glassed at the same time.
The canopy frame has three layers of the 7.5 oz fiberglass. There are 3 layers at the rear of the canopy and the turtledeck's two layers overlapping them.
Here is the canopy after being cut free of the turtledeck. It is propped up so that I can shape the foam and fiberglass inside. There is a 5/8" thick piece of spruce run along the bottom of the canopy as a hard point to mount the hinges and canopy latches. The foam sheet at the rear of the canopy will be removed after the front and sides are glassed. Leaving a small amount as a "roll bar".
I have started working on the hinges for the canopy. The first design would not work correctly so on to design two. They are made from 1/4" aluminum and will be positioned next to the fuselage sides and incorporate gas struts to assist in opening the canopy.